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Cannabis for Parents: It's Time to Drop That Mom (or Dad) Guilt!

Cannabis for Parents: It's Time to Drop That Mom (or Dad) Guilt!

If you’re a mom who balances stress, the demands of childcare, and that little voice in your head telling you “cannabis is bad,” this post is for you. For far too long, cannabis has been stigmatized as a drug of abuse, and not something responsible parents would ever use.

But times are changing, and millions of Americans are waking up to the fact that cannabis is not only safe and enjoyable, it’s an all-natural stress-reliever and a supporter of good health. And we can thank CBD for much of this research-backed change in popular perception.

CBD, as you’re likely aware, is the “second cannabinoid”—after THC—in the cannabis plant. Though it’s typically been associated with powerful psychoactive effects, research shows that there’s plenty of reasons to use CBD for stress relief and to improve our sleep, among other goals.

And perhaps most importantly, we believe there’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty about turning to CBD for stress management. For one thing, unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating and is a natural product. Used mindfully, there’s no reason to feel shame about using it.

Not only can CBD help you unwind, it’s medicinal properties may have a whole host of other benefits that the popular “wine down” lacks. What role might it play in supporting your health and wellbeing? Let’s count the ways!

CBD for Stress Headaches

CBD and Stress: How CBD Works with Your Body

Inside our bodies, CBD—like the other 100 or so cannabinoids, including THC—interfaces with a regulatory network called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Though only identified in the 1990s, it’s now believed that the ECS is one of the body’s principal signalling systems. Its primary job is to promote homeostasis, or the stable and self-regulating maintenance of crucial functions, including:

  • Appetite and metabolism

  • Immune response

  • Memory

  • Communication between cells

  • Proper sleep

Interestingly, cannabinoids such as CBD are very similar to those produced by our own bodies. This makes them particularly effective because they’re in a sense “speaking the same language” as the chemical signals in the ECS. Some researchers believe that this is why CBD in particular can help us get deeper sleep and ease stress and nerves.

That’s the perfect cue to explore this topic in greater detail.

CBD for Stress: A Winning Combination

Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been a lot of interest in the use of cannabis to treat stress and frayed nerves. Stress, of course, can take many different forms. But so far, a wide variety of studies support the use of CBD to tackle it. For instance, a 2019 experiment designed to simulate the heightened stress response of public speaking demonstrated that moderate doses of CBD reduced stress.


Can You Use CBD for Stress Headaches?

One of the most common side effects of stress is headaches. And they’re much more than a nuisance: They cost patients, employers, and the economy as a whole a great deal each year. Again, cannabis may provide a solution. One study on the use of CBD oil for migraines found that an overwhelming number of sufferers experienced relief.

How Do You Use CBD for Stress?

We offer a range of CBD products, in both drop and capsule formats. Most of them are available in three strengths: Mild, regular, and double strength. Whichever one you choose, they’re the same in one essential regard: They’re all made from clean, all-natural CBD, sourced from whole hemp flowers grown organically and sustainably right here in the USA.

Before closing, we’d like to remind you: Whether you prefer CBD on its own or in combination with THC, there’s never a reason to feel bad about it. Call us old-fashioned, but at Papa & Barkley, we believe taking good care of yourself and your family is nothing to feel guilty about.

Do you have any other questions about the best CBD for stress? Just ask. We’re here to help!

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